Bernnell Peltier-Glaze, Interim Dean for College of Education/Professor
Primary Research Focus
- Leadership in Urban Education
- Ethics in Education
- Educator Preparation
- Efficacy in Education
- Early Childhood
- Diversity and Multicultural Issues
Professional Biography
Dr. Bernnell Peltier-Glaze is a Professor in the Department of Educational Administration and Foundations and Interim Dean of the College of Education at Texas Southern University. Her responsibilities include teaching administrator preparation courses and supervising administrative interns. She also serves on several department committees.
Dr. Peltier-Glaze has worked with families and children/students through both the social services and education systems in the states of Louisiana, Georgia, New York and most recently Houston, TX. In the K-12 system, she has served as a classroom teacher, mentor teacher, supervising teacher, administrative intern/assistant principal/administrator, principal, director and trainer. She has been responsible for professional development for teachers and principals. She is a certified teacher and administrator and also does educational consulting.
Dr. Peltier-Glaze was honored as an “invitee” at the David L. Clark National Graduate Student Research Seminar in Educational Administration and Policy held in San Diego, CA in 2004 where she presented research from her dissertation, “Teachers’ Perceptions of the Role of the Principal Regarding Teacher Retention in an Urban School District.” She also presented research from her dissertation in a “Ticketed” session at the Association for Supervision and Curriculum (ASCD) Conference held in Orlando, Florida in 2005. Additionally she has presented at several local, state and national conferences. Her publications include “The Role of the Principal in Teacher Retention ” in Texas Study of Secondary Education.
Courses Taught
- EDFD 581 Foundations of Education
- EDAS 780 Problems in Educational Administration
- EDAS 781 Internship I
- EDAS 782 Internship II
- EDAS 800 Human Resources Leadership and Management
- EDAS 850 Leadership and Campus Culture
Professional Licenses or Certificates
- Texas State Board for Educator Certifications: Professional
- Principal Certificate
- Professional Mid-Management
- Teaching Certificate- History (Grades 1-8); Self-Contained (Grades 1-8)
- Professional Development and Appraisal System
- Instructional Leadership Development
Academic Degrees
- Ed.D. Sam Houston State University
- M.A. Texas Southern University
- B.A. Louisiana State University